Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Building Blocks Outside


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Curiosity and Initiative in Learning
atl-reg measure 5

Child explores the environment in increasingly focused ways to learn about people, things, materials and events.

Select measure ATL-REG 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Later

This video might be evidence for the Exploring Later level because the children are moving the building blocks around to see how they can connect in a way that will work for their play.
SED 4 Relationships and Social Interactions with Peerssed measure 2

Child becomes increasingly competent and cooperative in interactions with peers and develops friendships with several peers

Select measure SED 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Building Earlier.

This video might be evidence for the Building Earlier level because both children are choosing to cooperatively play together to build with the blocks.

Understanding of Language (Receptive)lld measure 1

Child understands increasingly complex communication and language

Select measure LLD 1 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Later.

This video might be evidence for the Exploring Later level because Girl 1 displays an understanding of what Girl 2 says by how she responds.

Reciprocal Communication and Conversationlld measure 4

Child engages in back-and-forth communication that develops into increasingly extended conversations

Select measure LLD 4 and read the descriptors and examples for Building Earlier.

This video might be evidence for the Building Earlier level because the children are engaging in brief back-and-forth communication with each other about where to put the blocks using short phrases and sentences. Girl 1 is doing most of the communicating.