Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Sweatshirt and Hugs


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Measure 2
Responsiveness to Language

language and literacy 2

Child communicates or acts in response to language and responds to increasingly complex language

View measure LLD 2 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Later.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Later level when Marcos follows the teachers instructions to, “touch it like this. You can feel the felt.”  

Reciprocal Communication and Conversation


Child engages in back-and-forth communication that develops into increasingly extended conversations

Select measure LLD 4 and read the descriptors and examples for Integrating Earlier.

This video might be evidence of the Integrating Earlier level. Kylie has an extended conversation with Monica and the other children about snack. She reasons with Monica about why she needs to wash her hands saying, “Cause when you touched the toys you can have germs.” Kylie says about the cucumbers, “Try them and see if you like them.” Kylie problem solves by helping Monica count the number of snack items: “Now 2.”

Measure 3

Imitation  Approaches to Learning–Self-Regulation 3


Child mirrors, repeats, and practices the actions or words of others in increasingly complex ways.

View the measure ATL-REG 3 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier level. Marcos copies the way his teacher shows him to feel the train with one finger.  Then, when Jared rubs the train with both hands, Marcos does the same.

Fine Motor Manipulative Skills

pd health 4

Child demonstrates increasing precisions, strength, coordination, and efficiency when using muscles of the hand for play and functional tasks

View the measure PD-HLTH 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier level. Marcos tries to grab the train using his entire hand.