Measures Reflected by the Evidence: Toddler Plays with Cornstarch


Measure definition

Why this video clip might be evidence

Curiosity and initiative in learning

ATL-Reg 4 curiosity in learning

Child explores the environment in increasingly focused ways to learn about people, things, materials, and events

View the I/T DRDP Measure ATL-REG 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier level. The girl seems to be unfamiliar with cornstarch. She cautiously touches the dry, white powder, and then she feels and manipulates it when it is wet, frequently looking to and watching the adult.
Measure 8
Cause and Effectcog measure 8
Child demonstrates an increasing ability to observe, anticipate, and reason about the relationship between cause and effect.

View the I/T DRDP Measure COG 8 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Earlier.

This video could be evidence for the Exploring Earlier level when the child explores what happens with the cornstarch when she manipulates it in different ways.

Measure 4

Fine-Motor Manipulative Skills

physical development health 4

Child demonstrates increasing precision, strength, coordination, and efficiency when using muscles of the hand for play and functional tasks.

View the I/T DRDP Measure PD-HLTH 4 and read the descriptor and examples for Exploring Later.

This video could be an example of the Exploring Later level when the child uses both hands at the same time to grab fists full of wet cornstarch.